Servicing Carrier Service Levels Subcommittee

Notices of Meetings

Records of Meetings


Committee Listing

The Subcommittee defines overall expectations regarding commercial Servicing Carrier service levels as contemplated in the RFP process or determined otherwise. The Subcommittee may also identify and assess levels of service that exceed expectations for possible action, including extraordinary expense reimbursement. The Subcommittee reports to the Commercial Automobile Committee

Mr. John Olivieri, Jr. - Chair J. K. Olivieri Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. Peter Chung The Norfolk & Dedham Group
Ms. Mayre Hammond Arbella Insurance Group
Mr. Brian Hayes Quincy Mutual Group
Mr. Brian Lam Safety Insurance Company
Ms. Wendy Stearns MAPFRE U.S.A. Corporation
Mr. Barry Tagen Pilgrim Insurance Company
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