Claims Producer Training Subcommittee

Notices of Meetings

Records of Meetings


Committee Listing

The Subcommittee is responsible for the development of training seminars on fraud recognition and claim reporting. The membership of the subcommittee represents the following entities of the automobile insurance industry: Representative Producers, Servicing Carriers SIUs, underwriters, and training directors. Also included are representatives from the Mass. Association of Insurance Agents and the Insurance Fraud Bureau. The Subcommittee reports to the Claims Advisory Committee.

2005 Subcommittee Membership
Mr. David J. McCormick - Chairman McCormick & Sons Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. Robert J. Bodoni Metropolitan P & C Insurance Company
Mr. Michael Gray Insurance Fraud Bureau
Ms. Heather Kramer Mass. Association of Insurance Agents
Mr. Stephen Samra The Premier Insurance Company of Mass.
Ms. Erin Schaaf Arbella Mutual Insurance Company
Mr. David Seropian Arbella Mutual Insurance Company
Ms. Mary Singas The Commerce Insurance Company
Mr. David Symock OneBeacon Insurance
Mr. Frank Sztuk The Hanover Insurance Company
Mr. Peter Vitale OneBeacon Insurance
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