The quarterly Page 14 Reconciliation compares statistically reported data to Page 14 financial data.
Companies are required to provide Page 14 financial data quarterly, due dates are approximate & may be adjusted for weekends/holidays:
Manual add - Statutory Page 14 links – Q1 due June 15, Q2 due Sept 15, Q3 due Dec. 15
Copy of NAIC filing - File Submission link – Q4 due March 15
Following the due date, the reconciliation process runs. A company that exceeds a 5% discrepancy between their statistically reported data and their Page 14 data is required to provide an explanation within 30 days.
The complete schedule is posted in the Call Schedule on the Schedules tab of CAR’s website.
Please contact Data Operations with any inquiries regarding the submission of Page 14 data.
Submit Data
File Submission This function uploads company's annual statement data submitted to CAR.
Commercial This function allows a company's annual statement, non-reportable, and group adjustment data to be entered and updated. The update function allows companies to make changes to previously submitted data only once.
- Commercial Data Entry
Private Passenger This function allows a company's annual statement, non-reportable, and group adjustment data to be entered and updated. The update function allows companies to make changes to previously submitted data only once.
- Private Passenger Data Entry
Explanations Notes This function allows a company to enter details or explain discrepancies regarding their statutory page 14, non-reportable or group adjustment data.
Annual Statement Reconciliation The Reconciliation report allows a company to view the results of the annual statement reconciliation process and includes whether the company is out of established tolerances.
Stat Summary Data This function allows a company to view their statistically reported data by reconciliation year and quarter.
Statutory Page 14 Data This function allows a company to view their statutory page 14 data by reconciliation year and quarter.
System Help
File Submission Help Explanation of how to upload company annual statement data.
Reconciliation Help Explanation of the reports, forms and functions included in this section.