Companies should use the Statistical Correction function to correct records that contain a statistical error. The error percent of each shipment must be reduced to within tolerance to avoid Statistical Data Quality penalties.
Please contact Data Operations with any inquiries.
Submit Data
Statistical Data Entry This function allows companies to submit Statistical data on-line.
Statistical Corrections This function allows companies to submit corrections to statistical records that have one or more statistical errors. This function is used to reduce each shipment's error percent to within tolerance to avoid Statistical Data Quality Penalties.
Data Extraction RequestCompanies may request extracts of their statistical data that is residing on CAR's databases and receive it in the format in which it was originally submitted.
Data Call – COVID-19 Refunds or Premium Credits
These forms allow companies to comply with the reporting requirements outlined in A&S Notice No. 661: Data Call – Summary of Refunds or Premium Credits related to COVID-19 Filings. Either Data Call form should be completed by March 1, 2021.
Research Tools
Non Polk VIN Browse and update non-Polk VIN data
Policy History This function allows companies to view premium and loss data submitted via FTP or Data Entry. It shows premium data reported for the latest five years and loss data reported for the latest 10 years. The system is available 7 AM – 6 PM EST during normal CAR business days.
Producer Codes Browse producer codes
System Help
Statistical Data Entry HelpExplanation of the process for submitting statistical data online using the Statistical Data Entry application.