Experience Rating Manual

The Experience Rating Plan provides users access to the Plan used for those eligible risks ceded to CAR.

Current Version

Future Version

Previous Versions


Previous Version - September 1, 2014

Section I - Liability
  • A. Eligibility
  • B. Experience Modification
  • C. Experience Used
  • D. Determination of Experience Modification

Section II - Physical Damage
  • A. Eligibility
  • B. Experience Modification
  • C. Experience Used
  • D. Determination of Experience Modification

Appendix A

Section III - Supplementary Rules
  • A. Definitions
  • B. Combination of Entities
  • C. Merger or Consolidation
  • D. Change of Ownership, Control, Management, Name or Operations

The Experience Rating Manual is available as one .pdf document to allow for easier printing.
PDF DocumentPrintable Manual

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