FAQ - Administration
The following are Administration questions and answers pertaining to Servicing Carrier requirements, the subscription process, publication distribution
information and CAR's training program.
Where can I find company code number information?
How may I be added to or removed from a publication distribution list?
Which companies are required to be members of CAR?
Does CAR provide any training programs for member companies?
How is an agency assigned to a Commercial Servicing Carrier?
Where can I find company code number information?
Company code number information can be found on CAR's website in the About CAR section
under Corporate Documents, Company Membership Listings, Active CAR Member Groups/Companies.
How may I be added to or removed from a publication distribution list?
A listing of CAR publications can be obtained by contacting Regina Nagle, Administrative Services Liaison, at 617-880-7297 or rnagle@commauto.com. Requests to be added to or removed from a distribution for a particular
publication can be made by completing the Publication and Mail Listing
Form located on the Reports Page. Most publications can be found on CAR's website.
Which companies are required to be members of CAR?
All companies applying for or holding a 6G (Auto Liability) license are required pursuant to G.L.c.175, §113H to be Members of CAR.
Does CAR provide any training programs for member companies?
CAR’s training program has been developed to enhance the industry’s cost effectiveness.
Based upon past experience and need evaluation, CAR provides training in four general areas:
- * Data Quality/Data Reporting
- * Claims
- * Financial
- * Market
The program is flexible enough to incorporate other areas of need unique to your company.
For further information refer to CAR’s training area on our website.
How is an agency assigned to a Commercial Servicing Carrier?
A commercial automobile appointment to a Servicing Carrier is afforded to a producer upon the producer applying and
qualifying for appointment as an Assigned Risk Producer for private passenger automobile. Additionally, the producer
must satisfy the following requirements:
- Complete a course of study, approved by the Commissioner of Insurance, which concentrates on the commercial
Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Insurance system.
- Attain a passing grade on a written examination based on material covered in the approved course.
- Within the preceding 24-month period, work for a minimum of 12 months with a producer licensed by the Division
of Insurance, or with a Member, during which time the applicant's efforts were primarily devoted to commercial
automobile insurance in the Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Insurance market; and
- Have an existing voluntary commercial contract with a Member Company or current Servicing Carrier.