Ineligible Risk
Ineligible Risk This application allows servicing carriers to provide and view information about risks that have been determined to be ineligible for coverage in the commercial residual market.
Help Detailed help for the Ineligible Risk application.
Ceded Book of Business Provides ceded book of business information by effective year.
Cession Backdate Cession backdate information by effective year.
ERP Commercial Written Prem This report provides written premium information, inclusive of both voluntary and ceded business, for each assigned Exclusive Representative Produce. The Written Premium reflected is for the most recent 12 month reporting period.
Error Counts Company and industry data for cession records, critical error policies and non-critical error policies.
Liability and Physical Damage Voluntary Premium Voluntary written premium by coverage, and compares volumes to the prior year.
Loss Ratios Loss ratio information, for each company and for the industry, by policy effective year.
Premium And Loss Record Count Provides valid and error record counts.
Premiums Written and earned premium information, for each company and for the industry, by policy effective year.
Rate Error and Experience Rating Provides error information for the Rate Edit system and not reported policies for the Experience Rating system.
Residual Market Penalties Provides residual market (ceded) data quality penalty information.
Statistical Penalties Provides statistical data quality penalty information.
Write Off Provides write off information.
Frequency and Severity
Frequency / Exposure This report displays Ceded Exposure Based Frequency Per 100 Exposures (Claim Count / Earned Exposures) by policy year for the latest five years. The statistics are broken out by major coverage and vehicle group for the Company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.
Frequency / Premium This report displays Ceded Premium Based Frequency Per $100K Premium (Claim Count / Earned Premium) by policy year for the latest five years. The statistics are broken out by major coverage and vehicle group for the Company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.
Severity This report displays Ceded Severity (Losses / Claim Counts) by policy year for the latest five years. The statistics are broken out by major coverage and vehicle group for the Company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.
Help Additional information to help explain terms in the system.
Large Loss Notification
Large Loss Notification Form This form is required by Servicing Carriers to provide CAR with information necessary to notify CAR of an accident involving a commercial ceded insured within ten business days of becoming aware of a potential large loss liability for the pool.
Cession Rate Exposures This report displays a written exposure based cession rate (car years) by policy year and vehicle group for the Company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.
Cession Rate Premiums This report displays a written premium based cession rate by policy year and vehicle group for the Company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.
Incurred Loss This report displays incurred losses (paid plus outstanding) by policy year and vehicle group for the Company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.
Loss Ratio This report displays incurred loss ratios (incurred losses / earned premium) by policy year and vehicle group for the company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.
Written Exposures This report displays written exposures (car years) by policy year and vehicle group for the Company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.
Written Premium This report displays written premium by policy year and vehicle group for the Company and the Industry, and includes a Company to Industry percent of total.