• Meeting Exhibits
  • Accident to Policy Year Report
  • Data Quality
  • Ultimate Deficit Memo
  • Post Meeting Ultimate Deficit Projections
  • Historical Ultimate Deficits
  • AOBI Large Losses
  • AOPDL Large Losses
  • RedBook - Ceded Market
  • RedBook - BI Exposures by Limit
  • Accident Year
  • Accident Year Loss Indications
  • Accident Year Paid/Incurred Indications
  • Industry Indicated
  • Industry Final
  • Accident Year Triangle
  • Industry Indicated
  • Industry Final
  • Frequency Severity
  • Industry Indicated
  • Industry Final
  • Factors of Development
  • Commercial
  • BI
  • NF
  • PDL
  • COLL
  • OTC
  • Policy Year
  • Policy Year Loss Indications
  • Policy Year Loss Ratios (PYLRE)
  • Policy Year Paid/Incurred Indications
  • Policy Year Triangle
  • Split Ratio
  • Summary of Policy Year Loss Ratios
  • Underlying Data Report
  • Additional Applications in
  • Annual Report
  • Claims Trend
  • Deficit and Large Loss
  • Participation Ratios
  • Settlement of Balances

Loss Reserving Comm Exhibits

The Industry Indicated and Final Commercial reports have been updated to reflect the 1st quarter 2024 data.
Please contact Tim Galligan with any inquiries regarding these reports.

Meeting Exhibits

Accident to Policy Year Report

Ultimate losses by coverage and accident year split into policy years with resulting IBNR and loss ratios. This report is updated after each Loss Reserving meeting.

Data Quality

Industry summary of significant late, missing, and rejected data by company.

Ultimate Deficit Memo

Ultimate premium and deficit projection for the past three years.

Post Meeting Ultimate Deficit Projections

Commercial ultimate deficit projections for the three most recent policy years, as established by the Loss Reserving Committee for the current quarter.

Historical Ultimate Deficits

A historical summary by quarter of the policy year underwriting deficits for the commercial pools, as established by the Loss Reserving Committee.

AOBI Large Losses

Summary of Commercial Bodily Injury Large Losses

AOPDL Large Losses

Summary of Commercial Property Damage Liability Large Losses.

RedBook - Ceded Market

Ceded market shares for Commercial written premiums.

RedBook - BI Exposures by Limit

Summary of statistically reported exposures by limit.

Accident Year

Accident Year Loss Indications

Ultimate paid and incurred loss projections by coverage for the latest 10 accident years.

Accident Year Paid/Incurred Indications

Historical summary of the industry paid and incurred loss projections and the subsequent "selected" ultimate loss amount for the latest 6 accident years by liability coverage.

  • Industry Indicated
  • Industry Final
Accident Year Triangle

Earned premium and average of paid/incurred projection for the latest 10 accident years by coverage. Also displays loss ratios including rate deviation for the current and prior quarters.

  • Industry Indicated
  • Industry Final
Frequency Severity

Industry ultimate claim counts, frequency, severity, and loss pure premium for the latest 10 accident years by coverage.

  • Industry Indicated
  • Industry Final

Factors of Development


Development Factors By Coverage

  • BI
  • NF
  • PDL
  • COLL
  • OTC

Policy Year

Policy Year Loss Indications

Ultimate paid and incurred loss projections by coverage for the latest 10 policy years.

Policy Year Loss Ratios (PYLRE)

Industry ultimate losses, written premium, and loss ratios for the latest 10 policy years by coverage.

Policy Year Paid/Incurred Indications

Historical summary of the industry paid and incurred loss projections and the subsequent "selected" ultimate loss amount for the latest 6 policy years by liability coverage.

Policy Year Triangle

Industry written premium and average of paid/incurred projection for the latest 10 policy years by coverage. Also displays loss ratios including rate deviation for the current and prior quarters.

Split Ratio

Industry earned premium for a specific policy year reported in a calendar quarter divided by total earned premium reported in the calendar year quarter. Ratios for the latest 10 policy years are displayed for total commercial. The ratios are used in splitting IBNR from accident year to policy year in the Accident to Policy Year report.

Summary of Policy Year Loss Ratios

Latest 4 policy years by coverage. Includes indicated and selected loss ratios from the accident to policy year report, the policy year indications, and the bornhuetter-ferguson report.

Underlying Data Report

Industry inception to date and latest quarter written premium, inception to date paid and incurred losses, latest quarter paid and outstanding losses, rate deviation, rate deviation expense allowance, commissions, and ceding expenses for the latest 10 policy years by coverage.

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