The CAR Accounting system houses the components of a ceded policy cession record, ceded premium records, and ceded loss records. There are a number of programs that monitor and edit the successful submission of each component part.
Error Notifications provides different views of ceded policies that have an error or have been written off. It also allows the user to view summary level error information and allows the user to monitor policies with losses over $1M.
Flat Cancellation Audit is a monitoring program where CAR requests documentation be uploaded to support TX4 and TX15 cancellation transactions.
Policy History allows a user to view every ceded policy reported during the last 10 years.
Please contact Data Operations with any inquiries.
Error Notifications
Flat Cancellation
Flat Cancel Sample Lists the three current effective years sampled along with the individual policies that require supporting documentation for valid flat cancellation.
Policy History
System Help