What steps are necessary for a newly licensed producer to obtain ARP certification?
What is required to maintain access/sign on ability to the MAIP application?
Who is required to take the Producer Fraud Training Seminar?
Are ARPs required to forward a photocopy of the license of each listed operator on the MAIP policy?
How should producers advise ARCs of the existence of a deferred operator on a MAIP policy?
Should an ARP indicate that a risk will utilize a premium finance option?
At what point in the assignment process is coverage bound?
How can changes/endorsement be made to a policy assigned through the MAIP?
What is the deposit amount required for assigned business determined based on the MAIP premium?
Is there an installment plan for MAIP policies?
What happens once the Rule 29 Three year assignment period to the ARC ends?
Can MAIP policies be written voluntarily at renewal?
Can a producer use the MAIP stamp to provide a "courtesy stamp" for a risk?
Can a motorcycle and a private passenger automobile be written on the same MAIP policy?
Is a vehicle that performs snowplowing eligible for MAIP coverage?
Are Trailers eligible to be written on a MAIP policy?
What if an invalid VIN is entered or a VRG does not exist for the entered VIN?
How are commissions paid on MAIP policies?
What steps are necessary for a newly licensed producer to obtain ARP certification?
Rule 31 - Assigned Risk Producer Requirements details ARP certification requirements. Specific instructions on obtaining ARP certification are located in
Chapter II of the ARP Procedures Manual with additional information found in the MAIP section of CAR's website in the Getting Started Guide or accessed from the Training section Producer Quickstart.
What are the software requirements for producers to access the MAIP in order to submit an application?
To ensure optimum performance, CAR recommends the latest Windows operating system. In addition, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or a compatible modern web browser is required. More
information can be found in the MAIP section of CAR’s website under System Recommendations in the Getting Started Guide. System requirements mandate that the producer be able to access and maintain
access to the MAIP and RMV applications.
What is required to maintain access/sign on ability to the MAIP application?
It is required to provide a copy of the current agency license. Each year upon renewal of the license the agency is obligated to upload a copy to your agency Producer Profile.
Agency Security Administration Form is required to designate an administrator responsible for requesting agency employee user IDs, overseeing the agency’s MAIP Policy Application access and communicating
user IDs that should be terminated.
Any agency employee with a MAIP sign-on is required to take the Producer Fraud Training course and submit the certificate within six months of activation to: maipsupport@commauto.com
Who is required to take the Producer Fraud Training Seminar?
Rule 31.B.14. requires the producer and all agency employees who process Massachusetts private passenger automobile policies and/or claims must successfully
complete the CAR Producer Fraud Training Seminar. The requirement applies to all current producers as well as licensed and unlicensed employees. Please visit the MAIP Training page
for a list of vendors and formats available.
Are ARPs required to forward a photocopy of the license of each listed operator on the MAIP policy?
Rule 31.B.3.b. requires that the ARP must submit a photocopy of the license of any operator holding an out-of-state or out-of-country driver's license with the new business application. A photocopy of a
Massachusetts driver’s license is not required to be sent with the application. The ARC will validate a Massachusetts driver's license through the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
How should producers advise ARCs of the existence of a deferred operator on a MAIP policy?
The presence of a deferred operator should be noted in the Remarks Section of the MAIP Policy Applicationalong with the deferred driver’s policy information (company name, policy number). All licensed
household operators must be listed on the application.
Should an ARP indicate that a risk will utilize a premium finance option?
Yes, the ARP should check the box on the Applicant page of the MAIP Policy Application and also note the name of the finance company in the Remarks Section.
Are ARPs provided with company contact information necessary for the issuance and servicing of assigned risk policies?
An application assignment checklist is provided to the MAIP application user upon completion of an application assignment. Included in the checklist is information regarding the assigned company, contact
and submission detail as well as other pertinent information, including supplemental applications, to facilitate the assignment process. In addition, a Company Directory is found on the first page after
the Log-In. The Directory includes company names, addresses, and other specific information necessary for the issuance and servicing of assigned risk policies.
How is the Assigned Risk Producer and the insured notified of the Assigned Risk Company that has been assigned to the application?
The MAIP will electronically notify the producer of record immediately upon the successful submission of the completed MAIP policy application through the system. The producer will be responsible for
notifying the insured. The ARC will receive notification of the assignment either in real time or in a batch transmission at the end of the business day, depending on their chosen processing option.
May an insured request reassignment to another company if he or she is not satisfied with the company to which he or she is assigned?
No, an insured choice of company is not an option available in the assigned risk program. (However, there are very limited and specific exceptions which can be viewed in Rule 26.B.1.
At what point in the assignment process is coverage bound?
Coverage is bound based on the effective date on the application and/or the time of day on which the assignment has been made by the MAIP disclosing the identity of the receiving ARC.
I have made an assignment through the MAIP but the applicant has decided not to accept the policy, how do I cancel the application?
If an applicant decides not to take a policy after assignment to an Assigned Risk Company, the producer can utilize the Void Assignment function which allows a producer to void assignments that have been
made during the last 2 business days. The Void Assignment link is found on the main landing page of the MAIP Policy Application.
If the assignment was processed prior to the two business days, the producer must contact the Assigned Risk Company directly and notify them that the insured has declined the policy.
How can changes/endorsement be made to a policy assigned through the MAIP?
Once a MAIP policy is assigned to an Assigned Risk Company, any requests for changes/endorsements to that policy are to be made directly to the assigned ARC. Please refer to the Company Directory located
on the MAIP website for contact information.
What is the deposit amount required for assigned business determined based on the MAIP premium?
Rule 28.C.1. provides that a deposit of 25% of the quoted premium based on the MAIP rate or a deposit of 30% of the ARC voluntary quoted premium is required for
new business. A deposit of 20% is required for a renewal policy.
If a risk has been cancelled for non-payment within the last 24 months, what down payment amount should the producer collect?
For those insured that have been cancelled for non-payment of premium in the prior 24 months, a down payment of 80% of the MAIP quoted premium or 100% of the assigned company’s voluntary quoted premium,
if known, must be submitted as the deposit premium with the application.
If an applicant owes earned premium to their prior carrier, will the assignment automatically be made to the carrier to which the premium is owed?
In cases where earned premium is owed, the assignment will automatically be made to the prior carrier only in cases where the prior policy was an assigned risk policy. Owed premium should always be submitted
to the carrier to which the premium is due.
Is an ARP required to collect outstanding unpaid premium as part of the premium deposit when placing business through the MAIP?
An ARP is not required to collect the outstanding owed premium. However, the applicant is required to satisfy any outstanding debt occurring within the previous 12-month period prior to being
eligible for placement in the MAIP. An ARP may choose to assist an applicant in resolving this situation.
Is there an installment plan for MAIP policies?
CAR Rule 28 states that an ARC must include an option of nine monthly installment payment plan after the required premium deposit. Not inclusive to any applicant that was in default of premium or cancelled for
premium in the past 24 months.
What happens once the Rule 29 Three-year MAIP assignment period to the ARC ends?
If an Assigned Risk Company intends to non-renew the policy at the end of its 3-year assignment period, the ARC is required to notify the producer of its decision at least 120 days in advance of the
policy’s expiration date. The producer may submit the risk to MAIP for reassignment. As long as the policy is submitted at least 60 days prior to the policy’s expiration date and new policy’s effective
date matches the expiration date of the original policy and the driver’s license number on both policies are the same, the MAIP Policy Application will be able to verify that the insured had been assigned for 3
consecutive years to the same ARC and no down payment will be required with the new application.
Can MAIP policies be written voluntarily at renewal?
Yes, if an Assigned Risk Company chooses to offer a voluntary policy to a risk that it has insured through the MAIP, it must mail a notification to the producer of record 90 days prior to the expiration date of
the MAIP policy. The insured/producer may elect not to accept the offer by notifying the Assigned Risk Company.
I submitted an application rated with physical damage coverage through the MAIP Policy Application but the ARC to which the policy was assigned issued the policy without the physical damage coverage. Can the ARC do that?
Under certain circumstances, as outlined in Rule 27 – Coverages of CAR's Rules of Operation, and pursuant to G.L. c. 175, § 113H, an ARC may charge an extra-risk rate
for physical damage insurance, or, in the alternative, may refuse to issue collision, fire, theft or comprehensive coverage. You must inform an applicant that meets the Rule 27 criteria that although his
policy may initially be rated with physical damage coverage, the assigned company will ultimately determine whether to issue to policy with this coverage.
Can a producer use the MAIP stamp to provide a “courtesy stamp” for a risk?
No, the MAIP stamp may not be used in courtesy stamping. If the producer represents the company insuring the vehicle, then the producer may use that company's stamp to certify a registration on behalf of another producer.
Is a motorcycle applicant eligible for the MAIP even if he only holds an active motorcycle permit and not a driver's license?
Yes. Rule 44 of CAR's Massachusetts Private Passenger Automobile Insurance Manual indicates that the experienced operator class
may only be applied if the operator of the motorcycle has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least six years, however, the inexperienced operator class may be applied if the operator of the motorcycle
has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for less than six years, or holds a motorcycle permit.
Are scooters, restricted motor bikes, golf carts (i.e. maximum speed is less than 35 mph) and other miscellaneous private passenger type vehicles eligible for placement through the MAIP?
Yes. If the vehicle is required to be registered with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, it is eligible for placement through the MAIP. See the Private Passenger Rating Manual for eligible vehicle types and rating information.
Can a motorcycle and a private passenger automobile be written on the same MAIP policy?
Yes. A motorcycle and a private passenger automobile may be written on the same policy. A separate policy is not needed. A motorcycle may also be endorsed onto a MAIP assigned policy.
Is a vehicle that performs snowplowing eligible for MAIP coverage?
The vehicle must meet the definition of private passenger in accordance with Rule 27 – Private Passenger Definition of the Massachusetts Private Passenger Residual Market
Automobile Insurance Manual. There is nothing in the definition or policy language which would exclude the snowplow. The vehicle should be assigned to Rate Class 30 – Business Use (unless a higher rated
inexperienced operator class applies),and the Assigned Risk Company may use the Customized Equipment endorsement to develop the appropriate premium to include the snowplow. Information concerning the snowplow
should be included in the Remarks section of the application.
Are Trailers eligible to be written on a MAIP policy?
Trailers may not be written in the MAIP unless there is an eligible motorized vehicle on the policy. The trailers must be designed for use with a private passenger vehicle that includes utility, boat, horse, camping,
travel or similar type trailers designed to be pulled by a private passenger auto, motorcycle, pick-up truck, van or similar type vehicle, and if not a home, office store, display or passenger trailer. (Refer to Rule 22)
What if an invalid VIN is entered or a VRG does not exist for the entered VIN?
If the MAIP Policy Application system is not able to determine comprehensive or collision VRGs for policy rating purposes you will be prompted to enter the vehicle’s base list price, year and make of the vehicle and
the system will assign VRGs and rate the policy based upon the entered information.
How are commissions paid on MAIP policies?
(MAIP ARP Procedures Manual Ch. IV Sec. C.) - Commissions will be paid to the ARP no less frequently than monthly and will be paid within 15 calendar days after the close of the month in which the commission was
credited to the producer’s account.