Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers

MAIP Messenger

This publication provides information concerning the latest MAIP developments, helpful tips on using the MAIP Policy Application, and includes a section dedicated to responding to the current most frequently asked questions being posed to MAIP support staff.
Spring 2013
Spring 2012
Fall 2011   Spring 2011   Winter 2011
Summer/Fall 2010   Spring 2010   Winter 2010
Summer/Fall 2009   Spring 2009   Winter 2009   Fall 2008

Special Notices

MAIP Policy Application - RMV Pre-fill Enhancements
MAIP Policy Application - Commission Compensation
MAIP Policy Application - Void Function
MAIP Policy Application - 3 Year Non-Renewals


Regulatory Bulletins
Bulletins issued by the Division of Insurance provide clarifications and explanations of the Division's interpretation regarding certain issues, or laws, or to announce new insurance laws.